CFloridians face hurricane season every year, and while you can take every precaution possible to protect your roof and the rest of your home, there isn’t a way to completely hurricane-proof the home. However, you can take certain steps to keep your home as structurally sound as possible to withstand harsh weather and strong winds.

Here we’ll explore some of the ways you can improve your home’s roofing to hold up in hurricanes.

Get a Preseason Inspection

Before the hurricane season comes about, consider getting a preseason inspection from roofing experts. A reliable contractor can come out to your home to determine if you have any vulnerabilities that you must address to protect the home.

You might have missing shingles or damage to certain parts of the roof you missed, which could inspire you to get repairs or replacement roofing.

Secure Loose Shingles

If you find that your roof has any loose shingles, you can nail them down to secure them in place. If you find that certain shingles simply aren’t staying in place, no matter how much you work to secure them, you may need to replace them.

Fill Any Gaps in Flashing

Flashing is a critical part of your roof, as it prevents rainwater from getting through the roofing and causing leaks. You can check flashing around skylights, chimneys, and other features in the roof where weatherproofing is present. If you spot any gaps in your flashing in these areas, you’ll want to reach out to a roofing contractor to assist with this.

Use the Right Roofing Materials

To ensure your roofing is capable of holding up in hurricanes and other weather conditions, your roofing must consist of high-performance materials. While there isn’t a roofing type that’s entirely invulnerable to hurricanes and strong winds, certain materials can hold up better than others.

Consider installing roofing with limited wind warranties of as much as 130-mph winds.

Apply Hurricane Ties to Roofing

You can purchase and install hurricane ties for your roof that improve the connection between your home’s structural elements and the roof truss. Doing so will help keep your roofing in place when exposed to high-speed winds. A roofing contractor can also inspect existing ties for any damage and recommend replacing them if necessary.

Get a Roof Replacement if Needed

If your roofing has sustained enough wear and tear to warrant it, you may benefit from a complete roof replacement. You might notice signs of a damaged roof, such as leaks, concerning noises, and detached and fallen shingles, among other issues. If you notice anything like this, get in touch with roofing experts who can inspect your roof and assess the damage.

While you may benefit from repairs if the damage is minor and relegated to a small area of the roof, you may need to get a replacement if wear and tear is more extensive. Getting a replacement before hurricane season hits could help prepare the roof for the harsh weather ahead.

Work With Roofing Professionals Who Know How to Bolster Your Roof

Generally, it’s in your best interest to work with roofing experts who have experience preparing homes for hurricane season. Get a professional inspection from the right contractor and find out what steps you may need to take to ensure your home holds up throughout hurricane season. You might be surprised to find that you need repairs or a replacement for your roofing.

The professionals at Champions Roofing are here to help you get what you need to maintain your roof and prevent damage resulting from hurricanes and other weather conditions.